Movement November


Uhh… something happened since the last time I wrote on this blog … … … the world was introduced to The Rona! I would say LOL, and gallows humor is certainly warranted, but it’s been far from funny for about 1.2 million who have died worldwide and their loved ones, about 231,000 of whom were from the United States (as of today) – by far the country with highest rates of disease and death in the world. What happened here you ask? Donald Trump – just an absolute failure of a human being, a Republican party full of selfish, science-denying sycophants, and all their ill informed, willfully ignorant, selfish voters. I’ll have more on this another time. BT-Dubs – the election is day after tomorrow.

But this entry is not about Coronavirus/COVID. It’s about me trying to regain control of my physical health. I’m far from unique when it comes to the physical toll that trauma and grief takes on ones body. 2016 was bad, and the legacy of how bad it was lives on in my body. And Coronavirus, the lockdowns, and the sedentary lifestyle it promotes has been bad for everyone. I’ve gained 60 pounds of weight since 2016 … from 180 lbs to 240 lbs for the last 2 months or so. I’m 5′ 9″. Disaster.

And so, I’ve accepted my friend’s challenge to exercise – any exercise – for 30 minutes per day for 30 days starting today, November 1st, in order to form a new habit / mindset with exercise – really, movement. I’ve decided to use this blog as a exercise/training journal – at least initially, since it has gone practically untouched for years. I plan to update it daily as a form of accountability. Who knows – perhaps writing daily will become a habit as well…

Today I rode my bike with my friend (check out his blog: to get started on this challenge. And after I was done, I had one taco … from OneTaco. That’s all I got and all I need for today.

One thought on “Movement November

  1. Good start and good job. Compare the calories from your ride to the taco and you’ll see that you need to do a lot more movement before you reward yourself. Food is fuel and should be enjoyed but we each can do better about many things. The number on the scale is one of many and can easily sabotage progress. Focus on marginal gains and healthy progress, not just one number. You can do it!

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